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Help us help the children with disabilities.

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Who we are

The CONIL Association was founded in 2010 at the initiative of Ms. Adela Hanafi, founder, as a result of a personal experience of mother of a child with disabilities, out of the desire to give a real chance to education, integration and social inclusion of children and young people with disabilities. various disabilities – autism, Down syndrome, moderate retardation, epilepsy, spastic tetraparesis, etc.

Mission of the CONIL Association – Based on the concept of inclusive education, CONIL is born from the desire to give a chance to all children, typical but also atypical, to help shape and educate them through a new concept, free, based on love, empathy and respect.

CONIL’s vision: Every child is a WORLD and we have been fighting for over 15 years for a tolerant society, where children and young people with disabilities can enjoy all the rights they deserve!

CONIL projects

In the over 10 years of experience in working with children with special needs, the CONIL Association has developed projects and programs whose main objective was to provide equal opportunities, by respecting their rights to education, integration and social inclusion.

Among the projects successfully developed for the benefit of these children:

Among the projects successfully developed for the benefit of these children:

  • CONIL Fest, Integration Festival editions I-XIX (event awarded by the Civil Society Gala)
  • Integration camps for insulin-dependent children, blind or with other disabilities (project awarded at the Civil Society Gala)
  • The fair of the small entrepreneur and Craftsman
  • Community Day at CONIL Primary School
  • Be Santa for a special child
  • Child’s heart icons – virtual exhibition
  • Storytellers
  • Special Gala for Education
  • The marathon of good deeds
  • CONIL Kid$ Money Lab
  • La Povești, live Show with Ioana Maria Moldovan

As a result of the projects developed by the CONIL Association in the over 10 years of activity, over 3000 children with special educational needs took part in special education and therapy programs developed by the CONIL team, over 35,000 typical children with disabilities performed on stage famous of the chapter in our festivals, over 300 children with special needs participated in integration camps, over 1500 students with disabilities took part in free weekend courses and our specialists provided free, over 3000 hours of therapy.

Help children with special needs to integrate!

Together we build a better future.

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CONIL Primary School was founded in 2012 at the initiative of the CONIL Association, being one of its most ambitious projects. The school was established based on the Order of the Minister of National Education and was accredited at primary and preschool level in 2018.


The CONIL school and kindergarten also accommodates children with various disabilities – autism, Down syndrome, moderate retardation, tetraparesis, children with visual, hearing, epilepsy disorders, etc. Being an inclusive school based on a national curriculum adapted to the developmental stage of each child.

After school

Here your child will enjoy a playful day, with different activities, such as African week, gastronomy week, creating music instruments and wooden accessories, among others. All coordinated by the specialized professionals of the center.

Day center

In the Day Center, each child will have a therapy program developed specially for them, that could include logopedia, kinetotherapy, ABA therapy, occupational, Learning by doing, social skills groups, motric group,etc.”

Discover CONIL







ongoing projects



Conil is the place that brought back my smile, my hope and the end of the smoldering tension from the worldly misunderstandings, from the question “why” .. Ingrid? It is the creation of Mrs. Adela Hanafi, the incarnate angel who gave me all the answers and the only being who soothed my soul in the moments when I was about to lose my last hope in finding an educational solution for IngrId. Conil is not just a school, it is a blessing in every sense: education, competence and tireless dedication.

Diana Onutescu

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